What is child education - Importance of child education in our country

Do you know about what eat child education? Why child education important our country? Then I suggest you please read this article. In this article I am discuss about what is child education and why it is important for all. If you want to know about child education and its importance than you will stay with my article first to last.
Early childhood refers the age of child is 5 to 10. In that time child brain is very sensitive. This time education is must needs for every child. But many of people at the time does not give important the child education. If you curious to know about details of child education and it's importance then stay with my article at last. 


Generally peoples always ask to know about child education. Child education is very important of a nation to grow and build a great country. Every children is a future of a country. That's why it is very important to all of know about child education and why it is so important.

But still at present many people does not know the importance of child education. Specially the villagers. Most of the villages of our country does not know an importance of child education. Specially in this article I included for them who does not know about this topics. So readers, I hope you will be happy and satisfied to read this article and clear about child education and its importance. 

What is child education

Child education is a pillar of society because children are next future generation our country. It's a fundamental power of societies development. We don't educated our children then in the future our society will due to cloud of literacy. In this case children life would be affected and also harmful our country. It's a challenge our country to face number providing education of children excellence.
Only one 19% child our country is whose age are 3 to 5 then they are attend in early childhood education. This main cause is poverty. Poverty is the main fact for fall of children to go to schools. Most of the villages of our country victims of child education increasing. Despite our country success it's very causable for child education . Some many other reasons have to drop out by the school for children.

  • Early marriage
  • Poverty
  • Illiteracy of family
  • Domestic violence 
  • Bad social thinking 

In circumstances of our country for boys and girls it's quite impossible to go for school. The poorest children basically suffered that. It is due to often a cause of child education.

Importance of child education in our country

American famous education specialist and writer- Frederick Douglas says -"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken man ". It is very clear of his writing the importance of child education . Education is very important of a nation specially child education.70 million nearly children did not goes to school in the whole world.

Only one 19% children of our country goes to school at early stage. We know our country is a poor country. Only one two billion children are going to primary school in our country which is large population our country have. If our country want to develop than the country should grow up their child education. There is some point given below the importance of child education in our country :

  • Educated child give the best service to develop our country
  • If child education is build then our country build the educated Nation 
  • Educated children gives as a successful Nation 
  • In the future children are moving our countries so it is very important to give them proper education. 
  • Proper child education far away poverty and illiteracy 

On read this article everybody we know what is child education and importance of child education in our country .Now it's clear all of us this is the very important topics.

Why is early childhood education important in our country

our country have many pre Primary School problems. for that reasons many of children's can't go to school and learn . Pre primary educational system is the first steps for development of our country . Pre primary education begins children's future at first . first experience of learning for children pre primary educational system is going to school for early stage. It's often to focus in learning play, learning and understanding life start.

A part of United Nations is SDC 4.2 is (sustainable development goals) make ensured quality early children education development care and pre primary education for all the children of our country by 2030.They can take its like a project. They choose it for our country because many people have our country and privileged and illiteracy main causes of decrease education for child.

At present the Government of our country and where you was non government organization taking many steps for ensure pre primary education for our country children . Now the government understand what is important for child education is our country.
Understood the primary education importance government should have taken many steps. Government gate education for children primary stage for villages for free. Government build many primary Educational Institute in our country. because the government realize now importance of child education at primary stage for our country.

Pre primary education encourage children to grow their future. Children's learning many new things go to school . They can learning, they can playing, they can singing, they can observing the truth when they are going to primary school . For this reason and for the development of our country everybody we should careful to ensure the pre primary education for every children of our country.

Ratio of child education in our country

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world " (Nelson Mandela). Last few years ratio of child education is given below (at primary school stage)

  • Years - Ratio   -  Boys   -    Girls 
  • 2011  - 51.77% - 49.01%  - 45.38%
  • 2021  - 100%     - 05%       -     95%
  • 2022  - 74.66%  - 73.29%  - 69.93%
  • 2023  - 74.66%  - 49.01%  -  45.38%

In June 21, 2023 government has given a information of those children who are not going to school at now in primary stage there ratio is 14.15%. At now all of we know the ratio of child education. It is very important to know all of us. If we don't know about this, then how can we grow up our country. An educated Nation gives us a better future. That's our duty to ensure every children for childhood education.

Importance Of girls education in our country girls education is very important for our country and our society. At present girls are most promising challenge for our country. development our economy it's very important to increase girls education. in total population of our country girls are half.so it is most important to grow up girls education.
girls education is very necessary to our society and country. if you developing our nation like our country is very need to ensured that girls education at primary and Middle stage. had present the world is going very first. for developing like our country it is the most important to ensured girls education. only one 19% girls has been going to school at primary stage in our country and 64% girls going to school at middle stage. But it is not enough for developing our growing economy.

It is a fundamental rights for human to getting education for girls and boys. But especially focus girls education. Government should take. Many steps for ensure girls education 100% ratio. Because at present girls are very important and they are including our economy is very high motivate.

Girls education is most of the important talks of our country. Government should taking many important steps for ensuring girls education. No nation can development for underestimate girls education. Because girls and the part of our society and our country.
If we ensure that girls education at primary and Middle stage then we ensure that we achieve a great nation , great economy. So we must be and cute girls education and take many steps for development our country like our country. I think now readers learn what is child education and why it is important of girls education. I hope all of you are like this article.

Last word : What is child education - Importance of child education in our country

Because of early marriage, eve- teasing, lacking of security, housing problems, poverty, Illiteracy is the cause of drop out the child from education and girls education. Specially female child suffered it .If we develop our country then ensure primary and middle stage education for children. So we should keep on eye matter of child education . We should stop girls early marriage , developing girls life ensure that government should taken steps for primary and Middle stage educational system .

Our country is a middle earn country. Ensure our primary education and stopped following and dropped out primary stage children education then we can grow up and build up our national very well. I hope reader now you know the details of primary and Middle age children education. If you have any question on this article then you can throw question ask on me in my website. I hope all of you are reader like this article. Thank you stay with me and my article.

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