HIV virus - Full form of AIDS and HIV

Do you know about HIV virus ? And also want to know about AIDS. If you have any question on your mind about HIV virus and AIDS? Then you can read this article. Actually HIV full meaning is (human immune deficiency virus). It is very harmful for human body. When HIV attacks then human body fail to make immunity. But many people does not know about HIV virus and AIDS. This article is very useful to them who does not know about this topics.
Basically AIDS stands (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).AIDS is caused by HIV. If reader curious to know about details of AIDS and HIV virus and it's related other topics then stay with my article at last. 


Generally peoples always ask to know about details of HIV virus and AIDS. Actually HIV stands for (human immune deficiency virus). And AIDS stands for (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). HIV virus is very harmful for human body. It's enactive our body cells.

 HIV is a virus. Sexual contact through spread HIV virus. HIV virus destroy our body cd4T cells. It's also damaged our white body cells and white body cells place a very important role into help the body to fighting with various disease. AIDS is happened for HIV virus.
When your body Attack by HIV virus then you have to possibility 90% Attack by AIDS. If reader curious to know about in this topics of disease than read my article. Today I will discuss about of this topics in my article in details. I hope reader must be happy to read this article and Know about HIV virus and AIDS and its related other topics.

HIV test - full form of AIDS and HIV 

HIV is caused for a virus. Abbreviation of HIV is (human immune deficiency virus) 
HIV virus is too much harmful for human body. It attack human bodies immune system. If people not treated the HIV then it can transmitted into AIDS. It's a virus causes infection. AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV virus. Specifically HIV virus damaged our bodies white blood cells who called is CD4 cells.

In United States doctors recommended antigen antibody test for testing HIV virus. These test performed by a lab. At first doctors take blood from a vein who can usually detect HIV 18 to 45 days after your blood donating. Doctor recommended  Three Types of lab test for the victims. Here is the three names of lab test is given below:
  • Antibody test 
  • Antigen test 
  • Nucleic acid test 
Many where places have victims can go and test HIV. Including the places where victims can go for test HIV is mention here :
  • Sexual health or medicine clinic 
  • Clinics run by charities like the Terrence Higgins Trust
  • Anywhere in hospital where there some GP surgeries 
  • Some young people clinic who are contraception 
  • Any drug dependent services  
  • Any private clinic 
Doctors take blood from your finger using its for Rapid test. They can take a drop of blood from victims finger. let's discuss about the test of HIV in details :
HIV antibody test: Antibody test looking and find your blood antibodies. Antibodies fighting with disease. It's fight with virus to rescue your body immunity. When doctors recommended antibody test then antibody takes 18 to 90 days to find HIV virus. Antibody test can done in various ways :
  • Lab test 
  • Rapid test 
  • At home test 
HIV antigen test : It's very common lab test for finding HIV virus. HIV antigen test is very useful taste for finding HIV virus. Antigen is an important part of human body cells who preventing with disease and increase your immunity system and triggers HIV virus. Antigen test will be happen three ways :
  • Lab test :this result provide 18 to 45 days after you are infected 
  • Rapid test :This result provide in 18 to 90 days after you were attack the HIV 
  • At home test :these result provide 18 to 90 days after infection. you can take your blood from your finger in a drop at home and send it to taste for the lab.
NAT test: It find for HIV in a sample of human blood taken from a vein. This called is Viral load test. It can find HIV virus when human infected by HIV. It's result provide to 10 to 33 days after infection. It is a expensive test. you can ask your provider for NAT test :
  • Symptoms like flu,  fever, chills, Aches
  • Extreme fatigue 
  • Swollen lymph nodes (in your neck,  groin and amppit
  • Rash
  • Sores in your mouth 
Up above,  we tell you about the test of HIV virus. I hope you can understand this . 

AIDS :AIDS full form is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is very dangerous for human. In 1982 at first public health began to use this term -acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS.AIDS is a one kind of cancer and its describe the infections. AIDS has no medicine. If you are affected in its than It has no option to death. HIV is the main factor of AIDS.
HIV :HIV full form is human immune deficiency virus. It is a infections. It attacked the human bodies immune system. AIDS is the advantage stage of HIV. HIV targets human body and harms body cells. it's weeks the immune system of humans body. Cause of these disease victims are suffered day by day. Because it has no treatment and no medicine. HIV also harm our another body parts. For this disease other diseases likes cancer, infections, tuberculosis,  are  grow up into human body. 

What is HIV virus- HIV virus symptoms 

HIV virus :HIV means human immune deficiency virus. it is very harmful for human body. It is an infection who attacks human body and damage bodies immune system. Also HIV damaged humans white body cells and mixed into human blood. AIDS is the final stage of this virus. HIV targets the human bodies white blood cell and damage bodies immune system at slowly. Also it causes for an other big disease like tuberculosis,  cancer and others infections to humans body. 

HIV spread human body very firstly the help of infections. We know everybody infections is spread fastest in human body. Also victims have children then it is spread with breastfeeding milk, when victims including blood in others, if infected person mixed others person than HIV spread first. we prevented and treated HIV for the medical system who called is antiretroviral therapy( ART).If we don't see our Awareness of HIV and don't treat it then after few years it's converted to be progress of AIDS.
At present time WHO (World Health Organization ) defined HIV virus. WHO define advanced HIV disease as CD4 cell. They defined countless then 200 cells /mm3 or WHO stage 3 or 4 in adults. All children than 5 years of age who are affected in HIV virus most of them are affected in advanced HIV disease. 

Sign and symptoms of HIV virus: Are you infected in HIV virus? Still have tension in your mind? Don't be panic. Because now I am telling you the sign and symptoms of HIV virus. It's depends on stage of infections. When a person infected then the disease spread fastest to the first few months. Some few weeks at first infected victims don't understand the HIV symptoms. They think it's normal disease like as:
  • Influenza 
  • High fever  
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Normal infections
  • Throat soaring
  • Illness  
The infection spread fast and weeks the human bodies immune system. This like cause other sign and symptoms. mention here:
  • At first victims loss  her /his weight 
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • High fever. It's almost have fever at night 
  • Diarrhea. Stomach does not support food 
  • Cough and illness 
If don't treatment that the people infected by infection and it can also create severe illness and drop down into HIV virus and other disease. Like as 
  • Tuberculosis 
  • Cryptococcal meningitis 
  • Severe bacterial infections 
  • Cancer like as lymphoma 
HIV creates other infections to get worse such as :
  • Hepatitis C 
  • Hepatitis B 
  • M pox
  • Jaundice and liver cirrhosis 
HIV virus has many factors of risk. Big teams behave and conditions that would peoples at high risk of contracting including HIV virus 
  • Without condom is somebody can sex anal or vaginal sex 
  • Transmitted any sexual infection like as herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea and vaginosis bacteria 
  • Drinking harmful alcohol and drugs when victims context of Sex
  • When share the contaminated needles and other drug inject your bodies
  • Receiving unsafe injections,  unsafe blood, including the body transplantation of tissues in body etc. 
  • Accidental needle high injuries including among health workers 
Changing attitude about HIV :when victims suffering from HIV than many other people who lives victims around and also victims relatives have negative attitude with the victims. This negative attitude called stigma. Some experience can decrease the quality of life because it includes:
  • Judging 
  • Labelling 
  • Isolation 
  • Prejudice 
  • Stereo typing 
  • Discrimination 
Treatment of HIV :HIV treatment we start for the help of combination of medicines pills.It takes by mouth everyday following the doctors prescription. This combination feels is called antiretroviral therapy. These pills if victims take everyday than it's effective for victims. Have some pills used in Art types of pills. There are some other brand names of the drug who are same type of art medicine. Such as :
  • Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase
  • Nucleoside reverse  transcriptase inhibitors 
  • Protease inhibitors 
  • fusion inhibitors 
  • CCR5 antagonists
  • Integrase strand transfer inhibitors
  • Attachment inhibitors 
  • Post attachment inhibitors
  • Combination of HIV medicine 
Let's discuss now prevention system of HIV virus. So readers let's discuss about how can reduce risk of getting HIV. The best way to reduce the HIV virus is social awareness. HIV spreads our wrong steps. Here is the some ways to reduce HIV risk
  • When you can any type of sex then use latex condoms.(vaginal, anal or oral) 
  • Does not use those types of condoms whose are made from any animal products 
  • When you having sex then try to use water based lubricants lotion 
  • Never take drugs with help of sharing needles 
  • Obviously you will taste and treatment for others can be high risk for an HIV infection 
  • If you think you you have HIV obviously contact your doctor as soon as possible 
  • Avoid to drink high level alcohol it's very high risk to spread HIV virus infection 
  • If you can pass any HIV positive person then you should must be taste of your HIV virus test 
It's very important to know the male use of condom in right protect yourself against HIV. Please must use male condom for male person in his penis to having sex act.
Female person also protect the vagina with dental Dams. Actually dental dams are some kinds of latex ladies polyurethane who put over the vagina when female ladies are having their any types of sex. Both of male and female its important to know that use one type of condom at a time. Obviously  do not use both male condom and female internal condom. 

What is AIDS- Symptoms of AIDS and its preventing formula 

What is AIDS: AIDS full meaning is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. AIDS is very harmful for human body. It's a chronic disease. At the first time September 24 in 1982 CDC first time use the word of AIDS and they releases the first case definition for AIDS. AIDS is a virus related disease. HIV attacks human body and damage human bodies immune system whole. AIDS is the final and third stage of HIV virus. 
  • A person who becomes infected HIV virus then those person have chance to AIDS 
  • HIV attacks on body and weak the immune system to fight body with the virus 
  • AIDS is the last stage of HIV virus 
  • AIDS is the advance HIV infection stage who has no treatment 
  • AIDS is not treated it. It causes leads to death.
Somebody carry AIDS may damage all conditions of health . Like as -
  • Pneumonia
  • Thrush
  • Fungal infections
  • TB
  • High fever
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • High fever 
  • Bad headache 
Also there is risk of other medical illness like cancer and brain damage. It has no treatment. It's damage your life forever.
Symptoms of AIDS :An AIDS is a infection who infected by virus and the virus is called by HIV. Some symptoms related to HIV infection virus who creates AIDS. The symptoms is mention here for every reader :
  • High fever 
  • Joint pain 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Weakness 
  • Weight loss 
  • Muscle pain 
  • Headache 
  • Mouth sores
  • Throat sores
  • Chilis
  • Red rashes
  • Tiredness
  • Illness 
Some symptoms you can see the last stage of HIV. It's not seen before. When you can understand the symptoms than its become late. Let's know about the symptoms at last stage of this disease. Mention here :
  • White spots on the tongue or mouth. It seen that time fluently you also feel that problem. 
  • Weight loss. Your body will loss weight day by day and you can understand this 
  • Swollen has been glands with lasting for weeks.
  • Shortness of  breath. You does not take no longer breathing process 
  • Permanent tiredness. You does not work for long because of tiredness. You can feel you are having tired.
  • Night sweats
  • High fever. It's stay above 37 degrees. 100 degree Fahrenheit. And the fever come soon and soon. 
  • Dry cough. You can feel you have cough but it does not get well soon. Then you can understand it is the symptom of AIDS.
  • Persistent of chronic diarrhea 
  • Blurred vison
  • Blood cells damaged and falling you serious anemia who are big symptoms of AIDS. 
Preventing  of AIDS :In the whole World AIDS is only one disease who has no medical treatment and it has no preventing system. there is no specific treatment and perfect cure for AIDS. in this disease has no diagnosis treatment. one can fight with AIDS. AIDS does not preferred leave a relatively healthy wealthy and happy life to live human.

 It's has many side effect disease. Like cancer, (it is a type of skin cancer).One kind of medicine like ART used to stop the virus spreading. This is one and only Medical and major treatment for HIV /AIDS. It is called antiretroviral therapy. It can stop spreads HIV virus but it has no power to fight with AIDS. AIDS confirm is a death disease.

Differences between HIV and AIDS

HIV and AIDS both of disease are very dangerous disease in the whole world. HIV is a virus who gets human body with the help of infections. Its spreading disease. If HIV affected person mixed any other person then other person is also infected to the HIV virus. HIV spreads by air. Damage human body and immune system. Cause of that human body lost it weight regularly and don't fight against virus.
It is a medical condition. It is immune deficiency disease. AIDS is a face of HIV infection. AIDS complete damage people immune system. it's not treatment. It's increasing number of severe disease. It's called opportunistic infections. There are differences between HIV and AIDS. Lets discuss the differences in details :
  • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).It is a dangerous disease. 
  • This disease kill the host because of secondary infections and complications 
  • AIDS is a medical condition
  • AIDS damage whole bodies of human 
  • AIDS is the condition accurate and its contraction of HIV 
  • People who infected HIV with live for years without AIDS 
  • Human immune deficiency virus (HIV)is the main factor for AIDS 
  • This virus attack very was kinds of infections and kill host by itself 
  • HIV is a virus condition 
  • HIV attacks humans bodies immune system 
  • HIV is spread by infection it is a virus. 
  • While a person can have HIV positive with infection and those person also have AIDS then its sorry to say the person does not alive long time 

Last word: HIV test -full form of AIDS and HIV 

Actually everybody we have to curious of knowing AIDS and HIV. It is immune deficiency and HIV virus is human immune deficiency types disease. Both disease are very dangerous and very harmful of human body. HIV attacks our body and damage our body parts. HIV attacks our body and damage our immune system. That's why body loss weight and loss his power to fight with virus and infection.

That's like AIDS is more dangerous . HIV converted into third stage is calked AIDS.I hope a reader will be happy to read this article. In this article I will try my best to discuss with you in details of AIDS and HIV virus. I hope now you are clear about this concept. If you have any question in the article then please contact with me. If  You have any complain then you ask through in my website comment box. Follow my article and follow my website and please stay with me. Thank you. 

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন এর নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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